Are you what you post?
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. In today’s world, I’d say a more practical conveyor of our innermost identity is our Facebook timeline, seeing that we spend more and more time transfixed to our screens.
They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. In today’s world, I’d say a more practical conveyor of our innermost identity is our Facebook timeline, seeing that we spend more and more time transfixed to our screens.
Following last week’s havoc regarding the Mcast Electoral process, this morning, SDM President Ian Zahra has announced that SDM shall be withdrawing its team of candidates from this year’s elections.
This year’s KSM (Kunsill Studenti MCAST) election, held earlier this week, has been so ambiguous and certainly unacceptable.
Wayne Sammut qal: “aħna bħala Pulse m’għandna XEJN x’naħbu.”
SDM topponi t-tkomplija tal-att tal-voti fl-MCAST
Fostering professionalism in local arts and culture
UoM Performing Arts students appeal for the practice of professionalism
Performing arts’ students react to Manoel Theatre’s new CEO
A great number of Maltese students are involved in a countless amount of non-profit organisations. More specifically, student activism plays a very important role in the life of a university student. Here are 7 benefits of student activism!
The National Youth Council recognises the need to address the various problems
which are arising due to over consumption of alcohol and we support a number of
the policy action points which were incorporated in the National Alcohol Policy,
The Third Eye team has been contacted by a student at the University of Malta upon having spotted a van belonging to 8 Security, with no required Badge, parked on a parking space specifically reserved for ’Disabled Badge Holders Only.’
Il-Bord Editorjali ta’ Leħen il-Malti qed jaċċetta kitbiet bil-Malti għall-ħarġa li jmiss — is-36 ħarġa.
In 2011, SDM had just been through five consecutive Kunsill Studenti Junior College (KSJC) defeats, and few people could have anticipated how things would change from then onwards.
Bħal daż-żmien sena wieħed mill-postijiet favoriti tagħna ż-żgħażagħ kien fuq fomm il-Maltin u l-Għawdxin kollha. Kien għadu kemm seħħ inÄ‹ident li ħasad mhux biss lilna ż-żgħażagħ iżda lill-poplu kollu.
Pulse, contesting with the slogan "Better Together’, has successfully won the 2016 Kunsill Studenti Junior College (KSJC) Election.
Following yesterday’s election, four members were announced today.
Roaming around the streets of Barcelona, we could not help but capture photos of the various beautiful sights we laid our eyes upon every now and then.
Following recent reports that the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) asked the Junior College Principal not to publish the names of absent lecturers both online and on the screens available on the Junior College premises, Pulse would like to call upon the
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