Why is Art Important?

February 11, 2015 Mandy Borg 0

In your daily routine, as you blast your favourite song on your way to work, as you look at that poster on the billboard, as you watch a movie in the evening — without even noticing, you are surrounded by art.  

Sweet 16?

February 5, 2015 Tamira Spiteri 0

Maltese society has arrived at a time of change. Change this time around meaning giving 16 year olds more responsibility; whether to give them the right to vote in the upcoming referendum and whether to lower the current age of sexual consent to 16.

The Truth is Out There

January 31, 2015 Victoria Melita Zammit 0

"Well, Earth has life on it because it’s the right distance from the sun to, and because of its water percentage and atmosphere. You really think there aren’t other planets out there like us, in other galaxies?’

The Instagram Age

January 28, 2015 Michelle Melissa Scotto 0

I am pretty sure that when I mention the word "Instagram’ all of you pretty much know that I’m talking about the 4-year old photo and video sharing social media application which is probably found on all of your smartphones.

Anti-Bullying, or Anti-Bully?

January 22, 2015 Luke Azzopardi 0

On the 12th of December, 2014, a campaign was launched by the Malta Information Technology Agency, 89.7 Bay and General Soft Drinks in order to combat the rise of cyberbullying in Malta.

The Birds and The Bees?

January 17, 2015 Victoria Melita Zammit 0

Recently, student organization Pulse released a statement about lowering the age of consent from 18 to 16. Speaking as a University student, who has reached the age of consent 3 years ago, this matter does not concern me personally.

I am not Nigeria

January 10, 2015 Adrian Attard 0

People all around the world were so struck by the attack that a good number of us felt the necessity to write “Je suis Charlie” on their Facebook profiles, “I am Charlie”.

What to Listen to While Studying

January 9, 2015 Shaun Cassar 0

It’s that time of the year again, when your books become your best friends and phrases such as "happiness’, "care-free’, and "relaxed’ dash out of the window, without even saying bye.

Let The New Chapter Begin!

January 2, 2015 Daniela Mifsud 0

It’s that time of the year again. Many are those that have compiled a list of things they could have changed or done better during the past year. For these people the New Year seems like a perfect time to change.