The Beautiful Game and its Heartache

August 29, 2015 Daniela Mifsud 0

“It is the chants, the banners and the fervent fans that motivate the team and maybe intimidate the opposition.” Daniela Mifsud considers all the factors impacting players’ performances during those 90 minutes of passionate football.

Let The New Chapter Begin!

January 2, 2015 Daniela Mifsud 0

It’s that time of the year again. Many are those that have compiled a list of things they could have changed or done better during the past year. For these people the New Year seems like a perfect time to change.

Life as a Coeliac | Raising Awareness

October 13, 2014 Daniela Mifsud 0

What if foods you love and eat every day were depriving your body of vital nutrients?  What if you get to know that you could no longer eat pizza or drink beer on a night out?  This is the reality of any person suffering from coeliac disease.  

Incorporating Exercise Into University Life

September 23, 2014 Daniela Mifsud 0

With University just round the corner, students are preparing themselves for another year on campus. A typical student spends a lot of time surrounded by piles of books with the only form of exercise being walking to and from the car park.