Why not Give Ourselves Five to 2015?

Now that we have stuffed our faces, received numerous presents [hopefully] and most important of all, spent quality time with our loved ones, it’s slow down time.

What have we learned from 2014? What will we be taking with us into 2015? What are our goals for the new year?

I’m not referring to cliché resolutions at the beginning of the year which somehow slip away after the first month or two. I refer to more meaningful goals that can lead to a better year and a better life in the long run. I propose the following resolutions, if you want to call them so, for a happier and healthier 2015:

 Do more of what makes you happy. Sounds simple enough. But it’s something we tend to take for granted. Stop yourself from saying you have no time. Try to find the time to enjoy activities which make you happy, be it taking a walk or simply enjoying a book.

Manage your time more effectively. We have filled our lives with so many things that we no longer have time to enjoy ourselves and relax.  Start using a diary or download many of the available apps, and assign yourself "me’ time as often as you can.

Enjoy the moment: make memories! Remember "You only live once’. Therefore, spend time with your family and friends and make sure to enjoy these moments. The reward: a happier you and many memories to look back on in the coming years.

Look after yourself; be it physically, psychologically and spiritually. Exercise more, eat healthy … you know the drill. And I’m not talking about a toolbox!

Let go of regrets. The past is gone and best forgotten – there’s no use hanging on to it. Learn from mistakes and move on. Focus on the present. Think positive.  

Finally, realise that everyone is human. Of course, there will be days when you feel down and stressed. When you’d rather gobble pizza and chocolate and not budge from the sofa all day. Or when you’d rather put your head under a blanket and not see anybody. Setting goals just makes it easier to overcome such moments!

Here’s to a better New Year!

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