Written by Michaela Abela
Our social media is inundated with false information about the best use of protective measures, some of which even questions their validity.
Masks help slow down the spread of COVID-19 by providing a barrier to prevent respiratory droplets from travelling through the air and onto other people when the person wearing the mask sneezes, coughs, or talks.
Masks are an effective source of protection only if used correctly.
- Your mask must cover your mouth, nose, and chin and should fit snugly around your face without any gaps on the sides. Do not put the mask down around your neck or remove it to talk to someone. Change your mask once it gets dirty or wet.
- Always perform hand hygiene with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after wearing your mask.
- You must never touch the front of your mask. Should you touch your mask disinfect your hands immediately. Touching your mask with dirty hands may contaminate your mask and increase your risk of infection. Your mask may also be contaminated so, touching the front part may contaminate your hands which will then in turn contaminate other surfaces you may touch after.
- When removing your fabric mask, bend your head forward and remove from the straps behind your ears, pulling it away from your face as you do so. Fold the outside corners together and store in a clean resealable bag.
- To reuse your fabric mask, remove it from the bag handling it only from the straps. Make sure it is not dirty or wet before wearing.
- Fabric masks must be washed at least once a day in hot water (at least 60 °C) using soap or detergent.
- Make sure you always have your own mask and never share it with others!
Face masks should be worn in all public areas, and ideally also when around people who are not from your household, especially where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain
The World Health Organization (WHO) states that fabric masks are not considered as personal protective equipment. Thus, fabric masks are not recommended for healthcare providers in a health care setting and for vulnerable populations such as people over the age of 60 or those with underlying medical conditions. Such individuals are advised to wear a medical mask.
Remember, the use of a fabric mask alone is not enough to provide an adequate level of protection against COVID-19. Maintain at least 1 meter of physical distancing and clean your hands often. Frequently touched objects should also be disinfected, and should you feel unwell, stay home and call 111.
Stay safe and let’s all prevent the spread of COVID-19!