Julia Zammit and Andrea Grima, will be contesting for KPS this Thursday.
The Social Policy Commissioner (KPS) Election is happening this Thursday 14th May. Two candidates are contesting for this position and the vote is open to all student organisations on campus. Here is what your candidates have to offer.
Julia Zammit, third-year BA (Hons.) Social Policy Student who had the opportunity to occupy the roles of Social policy Officer, Secretary General and President of Studenti Ħarsien Socjali. Andrea Grima, a third-year law student who had the opportunity to join ELSA Malta as Secretary-General for 2019/20 and later elected as Director for Internal Management for the term 2018/19.
Zammit focused her manifesto on the well-being of others, in fact, she made it a point that the manifesto caters to all individuals, making it also autism-friendly. The manifesto is sectioned into four parts: Sustainability, Wellbeing, Activism and Social Policy, all holding a variety of proposals. Grima built his manifesto onto three pillars; Social Policy Papers and Campaigns, Social Policy Office Reform, and Restructuring of KPS Meetings, all holding different proposals.
Zammit’s manifesto starts off with the topic of Sustainability where she introduces the Beverage Container Refund Scheme. This scheme aims that organisations and students alike are to recycle their waste more, and the funds that are collected will be going to student organisations. On this note, Grima plans to tackle the issue of construction and its effect on the environment by way of discussions and raising awareness. He also highlights his aims to push for eco-friendlier initiatives on campus, funding for a sea-bin and awareness on sustainable living.
Drugs has always been a prominent topic and both Grima and Zammit made sure to discuss this in their manifestos. Under the Wellbeing section for Zammit, she aims to raise awareness on drug use and what situation one may end up in because of drug abuse. On the other hand, Grima was specific on his proposal and what kind of drug will be discussed. He states that a paper is to be published analysing the implementation of the recreational use of cannabis in Malta and what kind of impact this will leave.
The promotion of student activism is mentioned in both manifestos however Grima focused primarly on student organisations and student representatives. He aims to promote them more on social media to give them visibility and recognition. He also seeks to use student organisations as a means to reach and involve more students in campaigns and papers. Zammit focused on promoting students that do not belong in an organisation, in order to bridge the gap that may be found between students and their respective organisations of the faculty.
Both candidates brought up interesting proposals whilst taking different approaches. However, it is up to fellow student organisations to make the choice on what they believe is the best for the students they represent.