Want an internship abroad? IAESTE can help!

We’ve got 6 reasons why you should apply for an IAESTE internship

Just in case you’re still considering whether doing an internship abroad is worth it and whether you came to the right place.

Relevant, technical work experience

First of all – after going through each and every one of your applications, we make sure to choose an internship that is aligned with your area of studies. So you will be getting relevant, technical work experience in your field. And apart from being a learning experience while you are there, something like that looks so good on a CV.

Differentiate yourself

This links to the previous point – your participation in a work experience abroad will immediately catch employer’s attention during interviews and they’ll be asking you all about it.

This is what they’ll remember you for– not your grades, or your “fluent Excel skills” – no!

It’s your foreign work experience they’ll remember – because that will say so much about you, and who you are as a person, to have gone for an opportunity like this.

That really helps you differentiate yourself from other candidates applying for the same positions as you are.

So these internships could literally be the keys to your dream job and a successful career.


You can spend months, years reading books and doing different courses at university … but there’s some things you can never learn from books, and they’re called soft skills, like learning to be independent, good communication skills, time management.

You can only learn these skills through experience and going for an internship abroad is an excellent way to improve your soft skills along with your hard skills which will help you grow both personally, and professionally.

Great things happen outside of your comfort zone. You will push the boundaries of what you are capable of and gain the confidence to take on bigger challenges in the future.

We’ve said a lot about learning and career prospects, but let’s face it, there are many other ways to achieve the same benefits mentioned so far such as volunteering or being active in some form of NGO.

The next point will tackle what makes an internship with IAESTE such a unique experience that everyone should be really excited to give a try.

People, connection, relationships

IAESTE is one big international family and wherever you go, they will make you feel so welcomed there – from the moment you arrive at the airport of your destination till that moment where you’re packing your stuff to catch the flight back home, you will never be alone because IAESTE will take care of you.

You’re going to meet lots of new people, make lots of connections and build some really strong friendships while you’re there.


It goes without saying that you won’t be working all the time, you will have plenty of time to enjoy yourself.

It will be a very different type of travelling from when you are on holiday, because you will still do all the tourist stuff, explore new places and learn about the local culture, but while you’re living there you are also going to integrate within their ordinary way of life..

Jumping into a new culture is not easy, but a challenge worth undertaking.

It will increase your global awareness and it will enable you to understand better our own cultural values and beliefs while also understanding and respecting those of other countries.


Of course, we only offer paid internships so you will be getting paid for the work you do and you should consider this when looking at the financial affordability of things.

IAESTE Malta’s members are roaming all around campus. Feel free to stop them for a chat, contact them on: info@iaeste.org.mt or message them on their Facebook page.

That’s it from our end, we hope you’ve been convinced!

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