Ever since Gilbert (Gilli) Amato Gauci was elected in the Kunsill Studneti Universitarji (KSU) last April, Tourism Studies Association (TSA)’s work and efforts have been far from plain sailing.
A source close to TSA has revealed that following the Annual General Meeting on May 12th, Dalziel Bugeja contested against Anna Valla for TSA’s presidency, with Vella being elected as President and Bugeja as Vice-President.
Now, seven months later, TSA seems to be in chaos, as Dalziel Bugeja (Vice-President), Daniel Muscat (Financial Officer), Leanne Spiteri (Public Relations Officer) and Ryan Cauchi (Events Coordinator) have gone their separate ways, departing from the organisation.

Confirming this is Victoria Caruana (International Officer)’s post in the first years’ Tourism Group, in which she invited any interested first years to become part of the TSA Executive, emphasising that there are currently “four positions open.”

The same source has explained to The Third Eye that from the very beginning of this term, Anna Vella and Dalziel Bugeja have tended to conflict and disagree often, with the former often discussing internal matters with Christopher Mallia, TSA’s Secretary General, when she was in actual fact expected to discuss them with the Vice-President, Dalziel Bugeja.
Nonetheless, one cannot forget the fact that TSA was successfully brought back to life once before. In other words, the question we’re left with now is whether it will be able to do it again.The Third Eye would like to clarify that this is an anonymous opinion piece, and in reality, The Third Eye and its members would like to wish the best of luck for the future of TSA.