The Fear of Missing Out, also known as FoMO, is a booming phenomenon in this ever-changing world.: a world that can be viewed simply through a computer screen. This anxious feeling is caused by concerns of not being in touch with cyber-reality, even just for a few hours, and all the status updates and Instagram stories that come with it.
Loneliness, boredom, negative mood and depressed feelings all stem from the realisation of missing out on all the parties, drinks and mouth-watering food that others are posting about on social media platforms. The desire to avoid these negative affects drives individuals to stay up-to-date with the latest trends on social media platforms, reinforcing internet use and making people more at risk of internet addiction. This is an example of Skinner’s famous operant conditioning, specifically negative reinforcement, as the FoMO is reduced by our endless scrolling and the euphoric feeling this brings.
FoMO and problematic internet use have been found to be negatively-related to subjective positive well-being. More so, heavy use of the internet and the loneliness that this brings, are influenced by personality. Individuals with high levels of extraversion and openness to new experiences tend to require higher levels of arousal to achieve a stable level of stimulation. This may be offered through the exposure to the glamour of other people’s lives.
Wanting to know what other people are up to may help us divert our attention from our own somewhat ‘miserable’ lives. However, it is important to note that what is portrayed on Instagram feeds requires hours of picture-taking and editing to transform the miserable into the unachievable.
Self-Determination Theory views social media use as a means by which basic psychological needs are satisfied, such as the need to be included and know what is going on. FoMO is experienced when these needs are not met, for example, when your internet provider decides to switch off the WiFi for half of the Maltese Islands.
A study has found that loneliness, an effect of FoMO, is the most relevant variable associated with excessive internet use and restricted interpersonal relationships in the real world. This proves that those with poor perceived qualities of social interaction and low social competence are more likely to rely on cyber communication, increasing the risk of FoMO.
With the mobile revolution and the booming of social media, communication and knowledge have expanded rapidly. With this has come an array of opportunities that make people feel that every like, comment and share count and that no opportunity is to be missed.