Tricks of the Trade for University’s Freshers

A new scholastic year has dawned on the University of Malta campus! Freshers’ have wandered from one stand to the next on the hunt for some sweet, sweet freebies as well as some tricks of the trade from current students.

The Third Eye’s current exec is made up of students that have walked the University grounds for a while now. So, we thought we would share our words of wisdom to help make your university journey all the more pleasant!

Helpful Tip 1: Keep your Standards High

Set high academic and personal standards and live up to them. Settle for nothing less but your very best. – George Vella, Brand Marketing Manager

Helpful Tip 2: Stay Active

Do not be afraid to form part of student organizations. Widen your horizon and let your voice be heard! – Xylona Spiteri, Secretary General

Tricks of the Trade 1: Read Study-Unit Descriptions

Make sure you read the study-unit description and focus on the learning outcomes, this will help you extract the important material to focus on during your exams and assignments! – Maria Gatt, Financial Officer

Tricks of the Trade 2: Stay Real and Plan Ahead

Plan your schedule well and be realistic. Don’t put in 5 tasks when you know, deep down, you will only manage 2. This will only discourage you. Write down 2 tasks and a bonus task, in case you’re feeling productive that day!- Maya Pollacco, Vice President

Helpful Tip 3: Stop for a Coffee

Don’t take University too seriously. There’s nothing wrong in having high academic standards for yourself but throughout your years there you’ll learn that it’s more about the holistic experience. A chat over a coffee or lunch can prove more fruitful than any lecture. – Andreas Bugeja, Events Officer

Tricks of the Trade 3: Don’t Wait till Late

If you’re given an assignment, start working on it immediately. And I do not mean writing it all in one week, but take your time planning it properly. Write down a few points, find any source you may think is useful and keep them saved for when you feel like working on it. – Maya Pollacco, Vice President

Helpful Tip 4: Back it Up

Always double save your work. Keep them on Google Drive or in a pendrive, don’t depend on just Word.- Maya Pollacco, Vice President

Tricks of the Trade 4: Useful Apps and Necessary Search Engines

Applications like Notion and Keep Notes are two very useful tools to keep your mind organised.

HyDi and Google Scholar are your best friends when it comes to assignments. Start with those first before moving on to any other source. Always check they are reliable sources. – Maya Pollacco, Vice President

Helpful Tip 5: Know Your Worth

University is more than just grades, it’s a platform for growth and setting high standards. Work hard, believe and achieve. – Gabriel Cassar, Media Officer

A Closing Note

University can be a very fruitful experience for your personal and professional growth. Although it may seem stressful many a times, with good planning and proper prioritization you can learn, make new friends and experience new things. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Most importantly, always remember to take care of your mental and physical wellbeing.

Jack Cassar ( President, The Third Eye 2020/21)

Here’s our A-Z Guide on Student Organisations!

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