"Tis the Season to be Grateful

Technically, every one of us should be grateful all year round, but let’s face it, these holidays get the best of our emotional side, even those of us who don’t really like to show it. All year round, we are so caught up in our studies, work and social lives, that we tend to forget to sit back and truly think and reflect about how good we actually have it. Perhaps, we tend to be more appreciative during the season with the overdose of charity television ads that we are shown year after year, or maybe it is just our good conscience telling us that we should really look at our life and look at it closely.

Therefore, I have compiled a short list of those things that we should all be thankful for and that should indeed shake us up in our boots to stop complaining for a bit, like we do (admit it we all do it) on a daily basis.

Be grateful:

1.    For actually having family members who will annoy you or embarrass you during the holiday family get-togethers

2.    For getting really bad presents, because at least someone actually thought of getting you something to begin with

3.    For food which is overcooked or burnt, because at least you have food (of some sort that is)

4.    For your pesky alarm that woke you up this morning, as some people don’t even get to wake up to another beautiful day

5.    For having to slave over studies and assignment work, because you can actually have an education, unlike other children and teenagers around the world who are forced into hard, laborious work

6.    For having to give away clothes or throw them away to make more space in your wardrobe for newer clothing items

7.    For maybe living too crammed and might having to share your room with your sibling, while others don’t even have a roof over their heads

8.    For not living in a war torn country, for very obvious reasons.

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