The Maltese Curia and LGBTI+ Gozo have spoken up about the Rosary Rally organised in reparation of the “Gay Agenda” and Malta Gay Pride 2018. The event was seen as a protest against LGBT rights and a promotion of division and hate within the community – principles that contradict Catholicism at its core.
Communications Officer at Curia, Christina Aquilina, emphasized that Pro Malta Christiana “must bear the responsibility for their actions,” for spreading hate, rather than love. She continued, “The Church respects people of all sexual orientations and recognises the dignity of each and every one.” The Maltese Church also officially confirmed that the group never had any ties with the Church in Malta, since “for the Church each person is precious.”
President of LGBTI+ Gozo, Eman Borg also saw the event as an “expression of hostility and aversion towards” LGBT minorities on the island. “Safety, openness and expression are still issues faced on a daily basis from members of the queer community,” he continued. So, “any hate speech on the queer community should be condemned.” Eman concluded, “No matter the unique qualities every individual possesses we can all come together as one community. One society.”
Despite the public backlash the ‘Lay Catholic Group’ have undermined the public reaction and only had this to say: “None of us will ever change God in order to accommodate our sins.” The group also deleted all comments left on their event and persist in creating division within the community. That said, the Rosary Rally in reparation of the “Gay Agenda” is still set to take place during Pride Week 2018, a day before the main pride parade.