Written by Juanita Galea
COVID-19 is bringing the world to its knees. From a distant problem seeming to only affect China, the virus soon came banging on our doors.
In an age where globalisation is the world order, limiting the spread of something such as this is no easy feat. Yet, something more intellectually damaging which looms over us during these times is fake news. Such a term seems to be loosely associated with articles of a political nature. Can one think of a more politically motivated action than the intentional perversion of facts during a time of international crisis?

The word ‘crisis’ itself induces pure panic— triggering a flight or fight instinct. In the past month, the world has witnessed various panic-induced behaviour. From bulk buying food and sanitary products to packing up and returning to one’s homeland almost immediately. One cannot help but wonder whether such actions were really the best path forward. The problem here was not people’s reactions in themself, but the sources of those reactions which triggered such perturbation. Social media (like in any other circumstance) is engulfed with misinformation. Platforms where anyone and everyone can share their opinion, which can hardly be appropriate and reliable sources for unblemished factual data.
The problem becomes all the more serious when the intentional distortion of statistics and facts is coming not from an average person rambling on in front of their computer screen, but from governments themselves. In an age where most warfare occurs online, the war of information should frighten us to the core. Proponents of information warfare make use of information and communication technology in order to gain a comparative advantage over an adversary. The spreading of propaganda and fake news by governments around the world is one such example.
China’s apology
The worst for China, seems to be over. But for Europe, the best is yet to come. Whilst the rest of the world is struggling to contain this outbreak and cope with the rampant spread of the virus, China seems to have somewhat gained control over it. With far fewer cases being reported, Chinese officials have launched a PR campaign with the primary intention of presenting China as a friend, who is there to help in times of need. China is being portrayed as a nurse, caring for the sick, placing her at the forefront of the battle trying to save lives. Lest we forget, that these very same officials originally helped to conceal knowledge of the spread of the virus in China from the rest of the world.

Through the shipment of hundreds of thousands of face masks— as well as medical personnel, China is exerting its efforts to amplify its soft power. In adopting the stick and carrot approach, China is hoping to gain sympathy points from the general public. Where the European Union seemed to be failing Italy, China stepped in, taking a further jab at the lack of European solidarity being shown towards struggling Italy. Soft power is crucial for a country such as China, whose government faces harsh and severe remarks from other powers over matters such as their numerous human rights infringements, namely the United States.
The United States against the Chinese virus
Twitter is the modern-day armour and weapon of any 21st-century diplomat. Exchanges on this social media platform between US and Chinese diplomats have been nothing short of antagonistic. With China taking on the role of the victim against the wicked and belligerent United States, it has allowed it to gain sympathy points from across the globe, especially in those states where China is synonymous with investment.

Trump’s inability to mince his words has further contributed to this. Chinese officials have repeatedly tried to counter American claims that the virus originated from labs in China, through spinning the latter on its head and pushing the conspiracy theory that it was the US military which indeed brought the virus to their country, leading to the deaths of so many. In turn, the United States is quick to point out China’s history and reputation of skewing data and have expressed hostile sentiments towards China, with President Donald Trump referring to the Coronavirus as the Chinese Virus.
Nationalities united more than ever
In such a sensitive time, factual and correct information is imperative. By fully understanding the problem we are facing, we can and will save lives. This means that we all must be careful as to what sources we are going to receive such data from. Being an Italian, a Chinese, a Maltese or an American citizen makes no difference. This virus ignores nationality, race or borders. It attacks ferociously, without prejudice.
This may be a time of social distancing and of isolation, yet the world has never been more united in its struggle against COVID-19. It is only together that we can get through this time of distress, and arrive at a reality where at least, a semblance of normality is restored. Rather than trying to distort information and facts on one or the other and making capital out of the situation, we should show solidarity with one another in these times. It is what got our ancestors through the toughest of times, and it is what will get us through this.
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