""The world is full of men. Be a real one’’

Why do you think women complain that real men only exist in the movies?

Being a male does not guarantee that you will turn out to be a gentleman. It is rather a choice by which a man sets out on a journey to attract the "love of his life’. The primary rule that a gentleman should understand is that his behaviour and his method of communication is a valuable insight to his character. He may not be physically strong but he will surely demonstrate his strong character and integrity.

It is understood that the definition of a true gentleman is subjective, but here are some basic definitions of what comprises a gentleman.

1. A gentleman is always well-presented, takes care of his physical appearance, dresses appropriately and never turns up under-dressed. Regardless of the occasion or the company he is with, his body language is consistent. He has a strong personal presence. Conclusion: he shows his true self 24/7.

2. A gentleman knows what his partner wants. Protection and security top the list. Most desired signs are public displays of affection are hand holding he stays on the outside of the sidewalk, just in case. He offers a lift, to make sure that she’s safe. Last but not least: a goodnight kiss and a post-date text goodnight

3. He is a man of his word and follows through with his commitments, whatever the cost. His actions reflect who he has chosen to be and are not based upon the opinions of others. Conclusion: a woman enjoys a firm man.

4. A gentleman is always on time. Punctuality is one of the most important characteristics of a gentleman. There should never be a time when he makes the other wait unless there is a legitimate excuse, which in a woman’s dictionary these are very few. A respectful gentleman will never let his date wait for him and instead will make sure to show up five minutes in advance.

5. His recipe for approaching his crush is a mixture of respect and cherishing amusement. He will hold doors, take her coat, offer a seat to her before sitting down. A gentleman knows to treat a lady with kindness, tenderness and most of all to respect her wishes even he "does not feel like it’.

6. A Gentleman “ruins his lady’s lipstick, not her mascara.” The only tears she should cry are of joy. Having said that, how a gentleman treats and is treated by his mother (or sister) gives a vivid indication of how he treats his partner.

7. A gentleman keeps his swearing to a minimum. Swearing is highly unattractive and makes you sound uneducated. It might have been "cool’ one day but nobody really likes to be in a relationship with a dictionary of swear words.

8. A gentleman possesses a positive outlook on life. His humour and consistent encouragement attract others to him. Negativity bores everyone.

9. A true man knows how to respect different opinions instead of just selfishly demanding you to comply with his.

10.  A gentleman does not assume that it is up to the women to do all the work. A gentleman should be familiar with a wide range of life skills. Ability to cook, clean and do household repairs are highly valued and appreciated.

And one last thing:

11. Women love compliments, a gentleman provides them.


Photo: www.weheartit.com

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About Jessica Camilleri 6 Articles
Jessica is a 21 year old who approaches life with a positive attitude. She believes in whatever she does as she believes that if you do not believe in yourself, no one will ever will. When you believe in yourself you can do whatever you want in life. In fact, she aspires to do a lot of things in her life that will enable her to meet new people and learn from them. Possibly, her biggest fear is not having the chance of ticking all of her list. Jessica was elected as The Third Eye’s Financial Officer for the 2016/2017 term.