Yesterday’s March for Climate Change culminated in chants of ‘Climate Action’ under the Parliament building. Over 500 youths gathered for the march united with 126 other countries as part of a global movement to raise awareness for climate change.
A number of youths gave speeches to inspire action on climate change upon arriving near the Parliament, amongst them KSU President Carla Galea and KNZ President Sean Ellul.
“The youth generation has a voice,” stated Galea, “we have realised that we have a problem which will be irreparable, if not now in a few years.” The awareness we are raising today must concern every citizen, not just the youth, she continued, and especially our leaders and representatives. Only 7.5% of energy consumed in Malta came from renewable sources in 2017, Galea said, “We have a long way to go to reach the aims of the EU.”
If we continue in this manner, future generations will be deprived of the key right to live freely without the shackles our negligence is imposing on them
Carla Galea, KSU President

In his speech, Ellul announced the national task force that KNZ launched yesterday. “As a generation we refuse to be condemned to a future where climate change wins,” he emphasised. The call for the task force went out yesterday to every citizen to join KNZ in the fight against climate change.
The task force will be divided into different subcommittees focusing on different environmental topics. Proposals for policies will then be created to bring to parliament and those in power. The call is open on KNZ’s Instagram and Facebook pages. “The time to talk was yesterday, the time to act is now.”
The speeches ended with a young child addressing the older generations:
Aren’t you noticing that you are ruining the world for kids like me? Aren’t you noticing that kids like me already want to leave Malta when they are older because of how you’ve left it?