The Official Guide for the Broke Student

Being a student is not easy on your pocket.

Almost all of us have had to work a job just to keep up with our social and personal lives. We get so into this fast-paced way of life, that we don’t always realise that there are ways for us to save more money.

1) Make your coffee at home

Instead of buying a coffee every single day, take that little extra time in the morning to make your own delicious coffee. A cup of coffee every day for a whole month may cost you up to 65 euro…just think of how you could use that money.

2) Use public transport

A lot of students rather use their own car to get to university but to most students, public transport could be the solution to never finding parking. Nobody loves to wake up at 5.30-6.00 AM just to find parking and then having to wait for another 2 or 3 hours for a lecture to begin. Do yourself and the environment a favour, and make use of public transport.

3) Make your own lunch

During a busy day of lectures, one is surely to get hungry. Now while the university has multiple options for the student to buy food, sometimes you might be in a rut where you simply cannot afford that slice of pizza or that plate of pasta because you need to pay your insurance or get something fixed in your car. Prep your lunch the night before or that morning instead of buying food every day.

4) Sell your used textbooks

One way you could make a little..emphasis on little, extra cash is by selling your used books. You’ll earn some more money while freeing up space in your room. Try out the Facebook marketplace to find lurking potential buyers. All the variations of the ‘Min Ipartat u Min Ibigh’ Facebook groups will become your best friends in this endeavour.


Freshers’ week has a bunch of student organisations and companies that provide students with useful things such as tote bags, metal straws, stationery, reusable bottles and cups, food and drinks! Stay tuned for this week’s article on the top organisations’ freebies from Freshers’ Week 2019!

Keep in mind that this struggle only lasts a couple of years until you graduate. In the meantime, keep on keepin’ on.

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About Kayleigh Cassar 9 Articles
Kayleigh, 21, maddeningly cheerful and has the ability to quote F.R.I.E.N.D.S. at any given moment, has a huge love for anything that has to do with books. She also has an unhealthy obsession with the performing arts. This year, Kayleigh will be the Third Eye’s new Events Officer and is currently reading for a B.A in Anthropology and English. Other hobbies include : attempting to cook food, battling with life’s huge dilemmas and travelling.