The Narrow Gap between

After the launch of the manifestos of Pulse and Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM), The Third Eye team analysed both manifestos and identified a number of similarities and differences.

Pulse and SDM have proposed a number of virtually identical proposals for this year’s term in the Council of Junior College (KSJC). Amongst the most prominent proposals that Pulse and SDM share in this year’s manifesto is the controversial, one year free membership with the Junior College gym (Active Zone). Other proposals that the organisations have in common are those related to refurbishment. Such proposals include the refurbishment of Chrisco’s premises and the bridge between canteen and "Pjazza’, the installation of a kitchenette in the KSJC office, air-conditioning units, fans, sofas and bean bags in the foyer, and full-length mirrors in the bathrooms. The organisations have also put forward proposals to help students develop their skills. Pulse has proposed setting up a futsal and beach soccer team. SDM has proposed a Junior College football team. Both organisations are willing to showcase artistic works of students. Furthermore, the organisations contesting this year’s election have proposed the extension of library hours, reading time before the commencement of examinations, KSJC project fund, a KSJC mobile application, Social Policy Commission structure, rent a tablet system, student exchanges, availability of courses and an automated external defibrillator (AED). On a final note, the organisations have shown their concern with regard to inclusion by proposing work in light of anti-discrimination. The Third Eye encourages this approach and hopes for more toleration in the college.

In addition to these proposals, Pulse has put forward 42 proposals and SDM has proposed 23 proposals. For further information, The Third Eye encourages students to thoroughly read both manifestos in order to make an informed decision on the 14th of November.

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