So, what’s your Instagram?
A typical question that is now used to break the ice amongst individuals. Instagram has taken the media by the storm, having accumulated over 1 billion users, it is the rising platform that has created various social media pressures and expectations which can lead to harmful circumstances. In fact, these alarming problems have even caught the attention of Instagram creators who are trying to crack down such results.
Scrolling through the countless photos on your Instagram feed, going through the endless Instagram stories for who knows how long. Are we aware of the effect Instagram leaves us?

Let’s talk…
We are collaborating with Unfiltered in order to further explore the world of Instagram. Unfiltered is made up of six university students: Sarah Aquilina, Maria Gatt, Giorgia Attard, George Michael Grima, Laura Azzopardi, and Elise Brincat. Their aim is to explore youth’s preoccupation with how they present themselves visually on social media and raising awareness about superficial, potentially deterring the situation.
During this discourse, the panel will be discussing how Instagram and the online visual culture affects us. The panel will feature local influencers, industry experts and academics alike in one dynamic discussion.
The variety in the panel will enable a thorough discussion from different perspectives. Join us on the 9th of December at 12 pm KSU Common Room and share your thoughts with us!