The ICTSA Industry Expo 2017

The fourth annual edition of ICTSA’s Industry Expo will be taking place on Thursday, October
26th.With around 31  companies and organisations set to take part, this year’s ICTSA Industry Expo
promises to be the biggest opportunity yet for students undertaking ICT and ICT
business-related courses.

The Expo is being organised in collaboration with the Faculty of ICT
and serves as a great opportunity for students to survey the commercial aspect of the current
career landscape and to network with their potential future employers. Attending companies
will be demonstrating their business operations and the technologies they use, while explaining
available and perspective vacancies and trends.

The Expo will take place on Thursday, October 26th at the Faculty of ICT’s Lower Lobby (Level
-1), University of Malta, from 12:00 till 18:00, and is open to the public especially students
studying in ICT or related fields. As ICTSA, we believe in building dynamic and
holistic teams made up of individuals from various  academic backgrounds and specialties.
This serves them in the short term for the various
activities and initiatives we organise, and more importantly in the long term where these
developed soft skills and talents are then used at the workplace. Activities like the Industry
Expo fulfil our mission to bridge the gap between students and industry.
Members of Parliament will be attending the event.

The ICT Students’ Association is a registered Voluntary Organisation representing University of
Malta and MCAST University College students reading a Bachelor’s Degree pertaining to
Information and Communications Technology. The close relationship between Academics and
ICTSA helps the association organise quality events all year round. The association is often the
first point of contact for students who have issues they wish to raise.

Link to event:

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