Finance and Employment Minister Clyde Caruana presented the government’s budget, ‘Certainty and Stability’, for 2023 on Monday 24th October. The goal of the budget is to maintain economic development in a post-pandemic economy, as well as measures related to the environment and sustainability.
How Students Will Be Impacted
The Stipend Conundrum
Students all over the country are rejoicing as the government announced another increase in stipend, this time based on the cost-of-living adjustment. However, SDM was quick to point out that the reason Junior College has started offering four year courses is because students cannot live on the stipend alone and many of them already have a job.
Although SDM appreciates the increase in student stipend, that of one euro every week, four euros every month and fifty euro every year, we would like to point out that it is still not enough for a typical student to keep up with all scholastic and daily needs.
SDM urges the government to revisit the stipend situation and make the necessary changes.
Furthermore, KNŻ raised the matter that the same stipend that applies for full-time students should also apply for part-time students.
The Forgotten Land Of Gozo
SDM and KSU identified the lack of proposals in place for Gozitan students. While the government will provide first time buyers with a €10K grant, KSU and SDM both expressed the lack of consideration towards Gozitan students.
KSU hopes that more initiatives are introduced with a specific focus given to renting students, more importantly, Gozitans.
Issues such as commutes, rentals, and further investment in the Gozo Campus should be prioritised considerably throughout 2023.
The Every Morning Traffic Headache
Everyone dreads the morning commute due to the excessive amount of traffic one encounters on the road. However, mornings are even harder on students who have to catch a bus to University of their respective schools. While public transport is already free, the government is discussing the possibility of limiting certain vehicles from being on the road during rush hour, in hopes of reducing traffic.
Encouraging Students To Study Abroad
KSU’s statement continued with praising the government for their initiative of strengthening current tax credit and scholarship programs have been strengthened for students who want to pursue post-graduate courses overseas.
To guarantee that as many students as possible are aware of these subsidies, KSU proposes more education and informational resources are given to students.
A New ITS Campus Is Set To Emerge
In a pre-budget meeting with representatives from the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association, Prime Minister Robert Abela announced excavation work will soon start on the site of the Institute of Tourism Studies’ (ITS) new campus in Smart City.
The new campus will include classrooms, offices, a library, cafeteria, and auditorium. The campus will also have added facilities, such as, five incubation centres, a wine cellar, three restaurants with connected kitchens, culinary science labs, a bakery, and student housing.
A day-care centre, ancillary stores, and two levels of subterranean parking are included among the additional amenities. Additionally, a basketball court will be built.
Concluding Thoughts
While the 2023 budget mentions important points and initiatives the government plans on taking, student organisations believe that more discussions need to be held regarding students and how they can benefit from these plans
For KSU’s full statement click here.
For SDM’s full statement click here.
For KNZ’s full statement click here.