Take The Leap Towards Youth Activism | KNŻ


Written by Veronika Sytnyk

Being a young person and a foreigner, many get baffled when they find out about my involvement in the educational and political spheres.

Veronika Sytnyk, KNŻ Commissioner for Youth Services

It is as though coming from another country should make me care less about this one, or that at my age, I should be enjoying life and going out with friends instead of spending my days in meetings and head stuck in books or news articles. Nevertheless, contrary to the popular presumption, the secret is that I enjoy every bit of it.

For the past few years, I have been involved in a variety of initiatives, from non-formal school projects to public speaking workshops to European Parliament simulations. These experiences taught me how to be more confident in myself and around others. They instilled the values of hard work and dedication and made me grow in my efficiency. But most of all, it is because of such activities that I discovered that I was not alone in my curiosity and love for learning. It is because of these projects, workshops and simulations that today I have the privilege of being part of an outstanding team of young people that I am proud to call my friends, the National Youth Council (KNŻ).

The KNŻ Journey

Current KNŻ Executive

It was at the beginning of 2021 that I decided to contest for the KNŻ elections. It was new and exciting because although I had a load of participation certificates in a variety of courses, I had zero experience in a youth organisation. Nevertheless, months later, I am now proudly creating initiatives for individuals like me in order to encourage them to take an interest in the activities that I know will help them become a better version of themselves. I know without the shadow of a doubt that were it not for the leaps I took each time to get out of my comfort zone to apply for an opportunity that I knew would help me grow further, I would not be a youth activist today.

So, my message to all of you reading this piece is this: Do not underestimate your power to overcome barriers, speak up and get noticed.

Activism revolves around action, however small it may be. Any and all contributions are the key to continuing the chain of change that our community so desperately needs, and Youth Day is your friendly reminder to do just that: take the leap.

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