From SecGen to President | William Farrugia
The Third Eye sat down with the new KSU President, William Farrugia to get to know his thoughts looking back and looking forward, as secretary […]
The Third Eye sat down with the new KSU President, William Farrugia to get to know his thoughts looking back and looking forward, as secretary […]
In reality, professionalism requires that once you get elected you cut ties with any extra partisanism. William Farrugia, KSU President In an interview The Third […]
SDM have just released their candidates that will be contesting for KSU Elections happening this April 11th. The candidates are as follows: President: William FarrugiaVice […]
Kris Bajada launched his Presidential campaign for the upcoming KSU elections this Friday. He reproached the current party system for projecting agendas that promote division […]
KSU’s Social Policy Office has taken on an extensive campaign aimed at raising awareness on Autism. The campaign will tackle integration and accessibility at UM. […]
KSU’s public consultation on abortion took place last night and has continued to bring the issue of abortion to the forefront on campus. KSU is […]
Yes you read it right, Common Room had a glow up, what did you do this summer? Common Room was recently renovated just in time […]
With all the recent news revolving around the security at the UM Library, we have the most recent updates on the situation, from a recent […]
Introduction The Kunsill Studenti Universitarji continuously strives to represent and protect the rights andentitlements of the entire student body. Thus, the scope of this post-budget […]
KSU shall be launching a campaign revolving around sustainability and waste reduction which will be kept throughout the year. During the start of this year’s Freshers’ […]
We ran a poll starting Monday evening and ended it today after gathering 300 responses from students. The results come in close, but not quite. […]
A few minutes ago, SDM issued a Press Release stating that numerous University students have been receiving anonymous text messages and calls asking them who […]
Let’s Move, the Pilot Project is on SDM’s agenda for the upcoming week of the KSU 2018 election campaign. The Third Eye spoke with Carla Galea, […]
Earlier this afternoon, Kris Bajada, who is contesting the upcoming KSU Elections as an independent candidate, addressed in a statement to the public, the “false […]
Pulse just announced a crucial proposal with regards to a very hot topic which is university parking spaces. If they are elected in KSU, Pulse […]
Yesterday, Kris Bajada announced his candidacy for the role of KSU President as an independent candidate in the upcoming KSU Elections. This means that besides […]
Wara li fil-11:00, l-għaqda Studenti Demokristjani Maltin, ħabbret it-tim ta’ kandidati li ser jikkontestaw f’isem l-SDM fl-elezzjonijiet tal-KSU, din hi Press Release minn SDM stess […]
Through their Facebook Event, SDM have confirmed that next Tuesday at 11:00, the organisation will be launching the team of candidates running for the KSU […]
In light of the recent approval of the Vote 16, a document has been put together with several recommendations regarding civic education so that the […]
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