Students Will Not Be Choosing KSU Members, SDM Will

Last Friday, March 18th 2016, Pulse published a note on their Facebook page entitled Pulse In Favour Of Modern Student Politics. This claims that for the past 19 years, Pulse has strictly focused on the student body.

Despite this, Pulse has decided not to contest this year’s KSU election (2016/2017 term).   Although at the moment I am still unsure of what Pulse’s tactic is, when I read their note, I felt that Pulse was justifying their decision by putting forward the hard work done this year.

This year Pulse has brilliantly focused on their Policy Forum.   In the organisation’s policies, Pulse discussed many issues ranging from the student’s reaction to Budget 16, social inclusion –   a very detrimental issue in our society – and even hosted an International Youth Debate on migration.

In my honest opinion, change has been needed for a very long time. KSU elections have become a popularity contest, rather than focusing on student-centred issues. But will change occur?

I think this year Pulse had an opportunity to change this. However, instead of competing against SDM, they are escaping from the competition and, in the process, are increasing what has been a huge problem in the past years; student apathy. However, I do agree that at a point one has to reevaluate one’s options and opt to not spend a huge amount of money on student elections and focus resources on other, more important, issues.

Now that Pulse are not contesting the election, SDM has the duty to present candidates that will work together for the students. The popularity aspect does not count anymore.

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About Chiara Farrugia 5 Articles
Writing this bio got me wondering how hard it is for a human being to describe themself. It is not easy to describe what makes you who you are and what has brought you at this point in life. All I can say, is that life teaches us a lot when we accept everything that it has for us and that’s why I intend to live life to the fullest. Not trying to be cliche, but yes, we live in a world where everything is possible! I want to dive with sharks, fly a plane, jump off a plane, read all the books in the world, taste every spice possible, meet great people, face my biggest fears (anything with 4 feet or more), study great philosophers and create theories as great as theirs, teach the next generation what is at loss at the moment and so much more! I am not sure if I will wake up tomorrow, so why waste a minute of today. BE ASPIRATIONAL and do not sit on your dreams but make them happen.