HoASA (The History of Art and Fine Arts Students’ Association) held their AGM on October 12 where Shahed Bensaid was elected as the organisation’s president for the term 23/24.
2023/24 Team
Admin Team:
- Shahed Bensaid – President
- Joleine Kipp – Vice President
- Emma Steeb – Secretary General
- Kirsty Calleja – Financial Officer
Executive Board:
- Maxine Calleja – Academic Officer
- Ben Caruana – Events Coordinator
- Angela Bonett – Public Relations Officer
- Marta Baldacchino – Social Media Coordinator
- Ruslana Grima – Vice Media Coordinator
- Stefania Farrugia
- Elaine Grima
- Gaia Grima
- Maria Borg Olivier
Presidential Comment
I am proud to announce our creative dedicated team, with more fine arts students this year. We are excited to bring a diverse array of events, activities and more. I trust we will continue HoASA’s legacy as a successful artistically active student hub in Malta. Finally, It is a great honour to be given this opportunity in an organisation I have grown fond and passion for, I look forward to this year – and so should you. A big thank you to my old executive teammates – I couldn’t have done it without you.
The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck!