Results are officially in and it is time to meet our Council and Senate representatives!
The three nominees for the Senate postgraduates were Keith Grima, Master of Advocacy student, David Mallia, Master of Science in Strategic Management and Digital Marketing student, and Matthew Xuereb, Master of Arts in European Politics, Economics and Law student. The following results were obtained:
- Keith Grima: 1379
- David Mallia: 750
- Matthew Xuereb: 1636
The two nominees for the Senate Undergraduates were Martina Cassar, Bachelor of Laws (Honours) student, and Thomas Galea, Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) student. From the 2454 votes cast and with a 324 vote difference, Thomas Galea was officially elected.
Mr Keith Grima, Mr Matthew Xuereb, and Mr Thomas Galea have therefore been elected to be the three student representatives on the Senate for a period of two years with effect from 16th December 2020.
I would like to thank all University students who involved themselves in this democratic process, and for listening to our ideas. I would also like to thank everyone who helped me in any way during these past days, this would not have been possible without you! I look forward to putting in the work to represent all students on the UM Senate! Well done to all other candidates and elected representatives.
Keith Grima
Beyond grateful to the UM student body who has once again entrusted me with their representation. I look forward to being your voice on the UM Senate.
Matthew Xuereb
I am overwhelmed by the result – thank you to all those gave me their support! Well done and good luck to all the other candidates, regardless of the result.
Thomas Galea
Moving on to the Council representatives; the two nominees for the Council were Giuliana Magro Conti and Michaela Giglio, both Bachelor of Laws (Honours) students. From the 2079 votes cast and with a 531 vote difference, Michaela Giglio was officially elected.
I am truly humbled and would like to express my gratitude to all those students who voted for me. I hope that during my time on the Council I will inspire others to become active because together we can improve our University.
Michaela Giglio
The following candidates are representatives within the Faculty Boards:
For the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy, the two nominees were Zane Camilleri and David Mallia. With a 142 vote difference, Zane Camilleri was elected as a student representative on the Board of the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy.
For the Faculty of Laws, the four nominees were Alexandra Gaglione, Mirea Mormina, Peter Paul Portelli and Andrew Sciberras. Alexandra Gaglione was elected as a student representative on the Board of the Faculty of Laws, after accumulating 312 votes.
For the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, the four nominees were Nathalie Attard, Andrea Caruana, Matthew Cassar and Gloria Montebello. Gloria Montebello was elected as a student representative on the Board of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, after accumulating 251 votes.
For the Institute of Earth Systems, the three nominees were Jeremy Bartolo, Massimo Bonello and Nathan Grech. Jeremy Bartolo and Nathan Grech were elected as student representatives on the Board of the Institute of Earth Systems, after accumulating 33 and 25 votes respectively.
For other existing vacancies within the Board, no elections took place for the faculties;
- Faculty of Arts – Timon Neurnberger
- Faculty for the Built Environment – Thomas Mifsud, Alessia Testa, and Thomas Taliana
- Faculty of Dental Surgery – Charlotte Axisa, Anne Camilleri and Lisa Marie Gatt
- Faculty of Engineering – Jeremy Farrugia
- Faculty of Health Science – Nicholas Aquilina and Kylie Fenech
- Faculty of Media and Knowledge Science – Davinia Agius
- Faculty for Social Wellbeing – Raoul Briffa
- Faculty of Theology – Ian Diacano, Mattis Muscat Agius and Matthew Sammut
- Institute for Climate Change and Sustainable Development – Karyn Scerri
- Institute for European Studies – Rebecca Azzopardi
- Islands and Small States Institute – Thuan Luca Nguyen Dinh
- Institute for Physical Education – Liam Attard and Daniel Paul Ellul
- Institute for Tourism, Travel, and Culture – Michaela Maria Chircop
- Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business Incubation – Maria Micallef and Keith Vanhear
- Centre for Tradition Chinese Medicine – Markos Christidis
- School of Performing Arts – Andre Buhagiar and Matthew Cassar
- International School for Foundation Studies – Cailyn Ashton Duncan and Qamar Zhairi
A big good luck and well done to all new representatives!