A brief note released on Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM)’s Official Facebook Page, explained that SDM, together with Malta Health Students’ Association (MHSA) are looking over the situation of placements of nursing students.
A number of students who spoke to The Third Eye in the past hours explained that both nursing students reading for a degree and also those who are studying for a diploma, received an email in which they were told that they were not going to be given any sort of financial compensation for the number of placements hours.
In their note, SDM pointed out that they were briefed about this situation by MHSA and that now both organisations are working together on it, while students were invited to contact any of the two organisations on the matter, either on info@sdm.org or on president.mhsa@gmail.com
The content of the email which was sent to nursing students, could be found below: