SDM is working on big campaign, which has as its main focus the rights and freedoms that every one of us has. Their aim is to raise awareness and see students’ perspective on this, as well as to see whether students are well aware of their own rights.
Throughout the campaign, SDM will be organising several events around University in collaboration with other organisations in order to fulfill their aim. The organisation encourages each individual to include themselves and keep an eye out on the event for further updates.
SDM’s President Neil Smart Costantino explained the purpose behind such a campaign, stating that ‘many a times, we tend to take the different rights that we have for granted. This is why we are calling for students to rise and get to know more about the different rights that they have and how these can be expressed.’
He continues by thanking student organisations who have accepted to collaborate in this campaign, with respect to the way that they, as an organisation, perceive rights and what rights are more relevant to the kind of work that the organisation does.
Throughout the coming days, SDM will continue elaborating further their campaign, as well as organise some activities at University to increase interaction and continue encouraging all students to #rise to the occassion and not hesitate to speak up.