Recycling Bins finally installed at University

As of today, 9th March, recycling bins have been introduced on the University of Malta campus

Recycling bins have repeatedly appeared on one KSU manifesto after another and had become a staple in the council’s proposals. A recycling system has always been at the forefront of KSU’s priority as effective waste management had been lacking immensely on campus.

KSU President, William Farrugia said that the council has been lobbying with UM for a number of years to implement this much-needed system. Finally, on 9th March the University of Malta will be initiating a pilot project. This means that modular bins will be installed on campus and will be up and running as of today.

The bins will sort between the usual recyclables (i.e. plastic, glass, etc.) and they will be located in key spots around campus, including Quadrangle, Gateway, Administration building, in front of the canteen and in front of Papier in Student House. Student organisations will also be limited to discard of paper only in their office bins.

KSU encourages students to engage with this initiative by making proper use of the recycling system now in place. This step is hopefully the first of many towards a more sustainable campus.

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