Pulse to Circulate a Petition against the Student Tag Directive

In light of Kunsill Studenti MCAST’s press release, Pulse has felt the need to tackle the issue of the student tag directive issued by the MCAST administration, hand in hand with the council.

In the following days, we shall circulate a petition among MCAST students so that this security directive is modified in a more practical manner.

Pulse is in favour of improved security measures at MCAST campuses, however the organisation stresses the importance of consultation between both KSM and student organisations with regards to how such objectives can be attained. MCAST students are recommended to sign the petition on the following link – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfVKwyneeRdSKLqx2cUIkcSdmbrQil-WC3qhkWlQt2-D-0LWw/viewform?c=0&w=1

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