“To vote Pulse or SDM? That is the question…”
This Friday’s KSJC Election has pressed this burning query into every Junior College students’ mind. The competing parties’ manifestos might be the clue they need to get out of the diabolical pickle!
What is a Manifesto?
If you are relatively new to the world of politics, this is a crucial point to make. A manifesto SHOULD be your main reference point when making any form of decision in regards to voting. It is a clear and somewhat concise formal document that represents the goals, vision, intentions, and principles of an organisation.
Always keep in mind what your individual values are and ask yourself, “How does voting for this party and not the other benefit both myself and the student body I form a part of?”
Levelling Up the JC Experience
With the intention of bettering the student’s Junior College experience- both vouch to increase the number of plugs and sockets around campus. Also pleading to level up the Junior College Games Room with new equipment. Both SDM and Pulse, have also vouched to launch campaigns related to Mental Health and Domestic Violence. So kudos to both parties on their fight for a better and safer student space!
Pulse divided their manifesto into several sections, one of which being Social Inclusion. Besides launching the aforementioned movements, they are also vouching to organize a month long campaign to ‘Raise Awareness for Autism’ throughout April. (Something which I felt was lacking back in my JC days.)
SDM is pledging to organize a Pet Therapy Day in efforts of highlighting the psychological benefits our furry friends provide.
Safety First
Covid-19 has also slithered its way into both SDM and Pulse’s Manifestos. The aim of these promises is to ensure the utmost health and safety for the students. Pulse direct their focus towards successfully preventing the virus from spreading. They’re introducing automatic sanitizers on every floor and also introducing branded masks to their merchandise. SDM are offering post-Covid mental health support. They’re offering mental-health first aid courses in lieu of the effects Covid-19 has had on students well-being.
Keeping It Green
The grounds which we walk on should be of great relevance to us all.
SDM has offered to: plant more trees around campus and organize monthly clean-ups around Malta and Gozo. They’ve also pledged to work with Sort it Out- Wasteserv Malta to expand the recycling system around JC Campus.
Pulse is offering: a fresh initiative to switch all single-use plastic cutlery in the canteen with alternatives. They will also be organising a ‘Plastic Free Day’ to discourage students from using plastics. On top of that Pulse is committed to supporting the local market, in an effort to decrease the carbon footprint.
Opportunities beyond Junior College
SDM is going big on internships this year. On top of proposing a ‘KSJC Internship Hub’, they have also got MEP internships in store. As well as paid, international opportunities with European Institutions in Brussels.
Pulse are reaching out to those students with a passion for journalism this year. Offering an exclusive, paid internship for those students who are looking to further their career in this field.
Does this sound too good to be true? Be sure to check in to tonight’s KSJC 2020 Presidential Debate, to ask some hard-hitting questions and make your final decision…