Earlier this morning, Pulse Secretary General Julian Guillaumier and International Co-ordinator Noel Mifsud successfully concluded talks whereby the student organisation has become officially recognized in ITS – Institute of Tourism Studies. This is the fifth successive post-secondary institution that Pulse shall be operating at, from the beginning of Freshers’ "16.
During this morning’s meeting, Pulse emphasized the importance of broadening its’ horizons and also stressed the fact that ITS students feel that they need a properly stabilized students’ council upon whom they can rely.
As of the moment, the Institute of Tourism Studies hosts circa. 400 students and the institutions’ vision is to “seek to prepare its students for a career in tomorrow’s tourism industry. I.T.S. directs its resources towards the development of inclusive learning programmes which facilitate technical, generic and behavioural skills and competencies, integrate theory and practice and promote modern leadership approaches.” as stated in their official page.
During the meeting, Pulse also brought up the possibility of student activism throughout the year being rewarded by means of accreditation. To the organisations’ delight, the ITS administration duly informed Pulse that it will be working hand-in-hand with the organisation so as to make this exciting prospect a reality within ITS. In simple terms, this would mean that should a student fail to acquire the sufficient credits (ECTS) to pass to second year or beyond, his or her level of involvement in a student organisation such as Pulse throughout the year would result in a "extra-credits reward’ and would ultimately and possibly help the student in promotion to the following year. This prospect would be similar to that of Degree Plus and has already been discussed and acknowledged through the Board of Studies, Programme Quality Validation Board (PQVB) and is currently being discussed in the Board of Governors.
Pulse vows to work tirelessly with the ITS administration and students alike and to be truly representative and respectful towards the entire student body, thus inviting all students who wish to work within the organisation to join us in two weeks time at the ITS Freshers’ Week taking place from the 28th until the 30th of September.