Pulse Demands Clarification Regarding KE Election Oversight

Following the election of Kunsill Studenti Universitarji’s KPS and KE Commissioners, student organisation, Pulse, has  expressed its  concern about the fact the the democratic process as per section 19.1 of the KSU statute was not adhered to. Earlier this afternoon, Pulse issued the following statement by means of their Facebook page:

Pulse would like to congratulate Alexander Hili and Tina Miggiani on being elected KPS Commissioner following a vote by the Organisations and KE Commissioner following a vote by the student representatives respectively and wish them the best of luck for the upcoming year.

Whilst doing so, Pulse would also like to express its concern towards the fact that yesterday during the KE Elections, the democratic process as per section 19.1 of the KSU statute was not adhered to. This is duly because, the current KE office failed to obtain a detailed and updated list of the current student representatives. This in turn led to the very act that a student representative representing the Faculty of Laws was not allowed to vote. Something to which the current KE Office is defending itself by stating that it was not given the detailed list by the Registrar’s office. What it fails to recognize is that it should be the KEs duty to make sure that KSU holds the updated list of student representatives. A list which does get updated every time an election is held.

We appeal to KSU and its Education Office to issue a statement clarifying this oversight, as well as to take note in order to ensure that such a mishap does not ensue once more.


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