Calling all writers – experienced or non-experienced (IT’S OKAY)!
Penguin and Panda, Malta’s newest poetry collective are hosting a spoken word event – A Night of Poetry – “Word” – on Friday, 13th December at the beloved Maori in Valletta.
What is spoken word?
Spoken word is “writing that is meant to be read out loud.” This can include anything from poetry to prose to rap. What makes spoken word different than other forms of writing is that is intended to be performed aloud. It makes use of intonation, diction, voice, imagery, action, and sound.
If you have poetry or any type of writing that is just waiting to find an audience, anything that you have been dying to get out there, or if you simply love listening to other people recite their work, come and join us for this event! You can get the opportunity to try out your poetry in front of an audience and listen to other writers.
The rules are simple: The poem/piece can be in either English or in Maltese and must be original. You are strongly encouraged to learn it by heart and perform it from memory. The reason is that you automatically get more of your audience engaged when doing so and it creates direct contact with your listeners which is something beautiful.
For more information on the event or to apply, send an email to penguinandpandapoetry@gmail.com.