ERASMUS in Spain: Challenge accepted
ERASMUS was not the easiest experience I’ve been through but the challenges I faced when I was there are what made it so enriching apart from the many friends I made and the beautiful places I have visited.
ERASMUS was not the easiest experience I’ve been through but the challenges I faced when I was there are what made it so enriching apart from the many friends I made and the beautiful places I have visited.
On the 31st of May, in Pjazza La Vallette in Valletta, a group of people were centred together creating a cacophony of sounds that, if listened closely to, were revealed to be none other than percussion instruments jamming together.
What it means to hide ’the real you’.
Move beyond Baz Luhrmann’s excellent interpretation of Fitzgerald’s "The Great Gatsby’ with all the fabulously designed costumes and extravagant lifestyles of Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby.
It was my first time in Paris and my perception of this country was solely founded on movies I watched (Ratatouille, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Anastasia). Of course, Paris is far different to how it is described in the movies.
It’s almost like the universe is forcing ironic reminders at us that being at the ripe University-age is anything but easy.
Perfection – being entirely without any flaws, accurate and correct in every detail. But are we all ideal? Is it a trend to look “perfect “ 24/7?
Madrid rivals, Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid, will be battling it out for European’s football biggest price, the UEFA Champions League, tonight. Benfica’s Estádio da Luz will host this much-awaited final.
Undecided about who to vote for in the upcoming MEP elections? – EUandI has answers! The European University Institute has just launched this online Voting Advice Application (VAA) in view of the European Parliament elections of 2014.
We all are guilty of Facebook stalking, especially that person we’ve been crushing on. Some people like to keep their lives quite private on Facebook and this leaves us wondering what that person’s relationship status is.
The final has arrived and it will be contested between England and the Netherlands on the 21st of May. It can be said that it was a successful tournament in terms of organisation…
You watch attentively that short video on YouTube, and read that article on BuzzFeed. Most often, you will like the post, perhaps tweet about it, and re-share it with friends.
About ICTSA: ICTSA is a faculty-based student organisation which aims to be an active link between the Faculty of ICT and the student body. It is committed to making ICT students’ lives more interesting and enjoyable.
It was exactly nine summers ago, the summer when Italy managed to conquest their fourth World Cup trophy in history, that the Italian Football Federation condemned Juventus to Serie B as well as seeing them stripped of 2005 and 2006 Serie A titles.
In 2009, The Guardian published an article explaining why lectures are boring. The power point presentation was one of them. Slides can be stimulating and a good technological tool for a lecture.
Although Austria and Netherlands, placing first and second respectively, would have retained their position had jury votes been taken to account for 100% of the results…
A staggering 300 tickets for this much awaited theatre production were sold in the first 24 hours alone and this promises an even more exciting journey for Dar Darun. This huge surge of interest revolves around one question:
On May 7th 2014, the Theology Students Association, more known as Gh.S.T., held its Annual General Meeting. The members present had to wait for 5 long hours before the new executive was elected.
With the upcoming MEP Elections this May, Kunsill Nazzjonali ta- Żghażagh (KNZ) has prepared a booklet through which one can get to know the candidates and where they stand on different issues, especially those pertaining to youth.
It was almost quarter to eleven, when Mauro Bergonzi blew the final whistle and the players and coaches were sent to their respective dressing-rooms to take a warm shower.
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