Following ELSA’s National Council Meeting, Nina Fauser, who served as the Director for IFP and Human Rights for the term 17/18, has been elected as President of the association for the upcoming year.
Following the NCM, Nina Fauser spoke to The Third Eye and said “I would personally like to thank the outgoing board for all their hard work and dedication throughout the year. I am honoured to be elected as President for the term 2018/19 and look forward to start working on various new ideas, together with the incoming board.”
The newly elected Executive Board of ELSA Malta for the term 2018/2019 is as follows:
- President – Nina Fauser
- Secretary General – Chris Grech
- Treasurer – Liam Axisa
- VP Marketing – Gabriel DeBono
- VP Academic Activities – Jack Delicata
- VP Moot Court Competitions – Alexia Pollacco
- VP Seminars & Conferences – Danila Correzzola
- VP Student Trainee Exchange Programme – Veronica Campbell
This is the Executive Board as per statutory requirements. Following the National Council Meeting, the directors were appointed to the National Board. The directors appointed are as follows:
- Director for Seminars and Conferences — Kyra Pullicino
- Director for Academic Affairs — Yasmine Ellul
- Director for Social Policy and Legal Publications — Jurgen Micallef
- Director for Public Relations — Julia Galea
- Director for IFP and Human Rights — Katrina Sammut
- Director for Internal Management — Andrea Grima
The Third Eye team would like to congratulate the newly appointed National Board for ELSA Malta whilst wishing them a fruitful year of work and opportunities for the benefit of the students they represent.