MMSA’s Board of Directors for the term 2019-2020 has just been elected yesterday night after the elections that spanned over this Thursday and Friday. The final total voting turnout was of 46% of all those eligible to vote. The term will start on 1st July 2019 and the results are as follows:
- President: Omar Chircop
- Vice President for Internal Affairs: Jake Scicluna
- Secretary General: Glenn Briffa
- Treasurer: Courtney Jaggers
- Public Relations Officer: Jade Borg
- Exchanges-in Officer: Mattea Gouder
- Exchanges-out Officer: Rebecca Bugeja
- Public Health Officer: Jessica Bonnici
- Medical Education Officer: Gloria Montebello
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Officer: Andy Coleiro
- Peer Education and Training Officer: Kristina Pulis
- Human Rights and Peace Officer: Laura Demicoli
- Leisure Officer: Alessia Vella
- Supervising Council without BD experience: Amy Ebejer
We would like to congratulate all the elected candidates and wish them the best of luck in their work for their upcoming term.
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