New language? Sign Me Up!

“I saw the sign!”

Have you ever thought about communicating with others with a language that was beyond words? Your opportunity has finally arrived. Ace of Base would be proud.

‘Sign Me Up’ is a campaign organised by the University organisations ALLT and MHSA to promote as well as raise awareness about the importance of sign language.

This a chance for all University students to learn the basic Maltese sign language over the course of 4-weeks. This course will cover numerous topics of interest such as greetings, time and Maltese geography. Students will have the opportunity to apply for this course multiple times along the year. One specific 6-week course will be directly aimed at Medical/Health Science students in which they will learn signs useful in their field of study.

After each course, students will be given a certificate issued by the Malta Deaf People Association. 

Head over to their Facebook page for more information as well as to apply for these sessions. Hurry up as their places are limited and their very first session is on Tuesday 6th November! 

Hopefully next time you’ll see the sign you’ll understand what it means too!


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