Betapsi have just elected their new Executive Team this Friday after holding an online AGM, much like any other student organisation seeking to change their executive team during this pandemic.
Ten members were elected to the new executive team, with only two of them having been from the previous exec; President Clayton Seguna and Vice President Rebecca Fsadni. The full list of roles is as follows.
- Clayton Seguna – President
- Rebecca Fsadni – Vice President
- Andrè Mifsud – Secretary General
- Chris Debono – Public Relations Officer
- Ivana Galea – Financial Officer
- Kristina Micallef Pulè – Social Policy Commissioner (KPS)
- Rachel Dalli – Educational Officer
- Mirea Gauci – Leisure Officer
- Daniela Cremona – External Relations Officer
- Francesca Camilleri – International Officer
- Armand Abela – EFPSA Member Representative
The Third Eye got in touch with outgoing President Luanne Grima to get her comments on her past year leading the team.
I have been blessed with an amazing team who helped me achieve my goals for the organisation. I cannot say it was an easy term but I have grown so much and made experiences that I will cherish forever.
“I am confident that Clayton will make great things happen in the organisation and at least I have forwarded it to strong hands,” she closed off.
Looking forward to the new term, President Clayton Seguna expressed his hopes for the new term, especially in the midst of the current pandemic.
Given the current national situation due to this pandemic, I can assure you that we will be thinking of alternative ways, to support and motivate students and the general public.