Brief Background
MUHS, which stands for Malta University Historical Society, has its roots in the History and Political Science fields. The organisation strives to encourage debates concerning everyday topics, as they inevitably will affect our lives, and familiarise ourselves more with the local culture & its historical events.
The New Executive Committee
MUHS held its AGM on the 23rd November (2022) where it publicised its full list of executive members, these being:
- President: Nico Muscat
- Vice-President: Prof Emanuel Buttigieg
- Secretary General: Sarah Attard
- Assistant Secretary General: Emily Slater
- Treasurer: Chris Busuttil Leaver
- Assistant Treasurer: Aimee Borg
- PRO: Luke Gauci
- Assistant PRO: Nathaniel Calleja Gera
- Campus Liaison Officer: Thomas Aquilina
- International Officer: Ian Fenech
- Committee Members: Rakele Fiott, Simone Azzopardi and Renald Micallef
- Committee Member specifically focusing on Design & Social Media: Veronica Debono

Presidential Comment

I am honoured to once again be leading the MUHS Executive Committee for another year. As a society we must now look forward to this next year with optimism as we celebrate a very important anniversary. The AGM marked the start of the 60-year anniversary of MUHS, which makes our society one of the oldest societies on campus. While like all other societies, there have been challenging periods, MUHS is continuing to grow and evolve. The committee already have a number of events and initiatives planned for the coming months including the second annual Godfrey Wettinger Memorial Lecture and the launch of the next edition of our journal STORJA. We hope to see you at our upcoming events.
The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck!