Malta Neurological Students Society (MNSS) held its Annual General Meeting on Monday 22nd August. During the meeting the new executive committee was elected, the organisation’s statute was approved, and a strategic plan for the next five years was agreed upon.
The Executive Committee:
- President – Andrea Cuschieri
- Vice President – Gabriel Pisani
- Secretary General – Kyle Attard
- Treasurer – Ruben Chircop
- Public Relations Officer – Desiree’ Sant
- Research and Education Officer – Matteo Vella
- External Affairs Officer – Mariah Borg

Presidential Comment
MNSS was founded with the aim of disseminating neurology related knowledge and to promote local research conducted in this field. Since December 2021 the current executive has worked whole-heartedly to formally establish MNSS. Our work has culminated into the organization’s first AGM. I am very proud of the work we have achieved so far and am looking forward to expanding our connections both locally and overseas through our dedicated passion for neurology.
Andrea Cuschieri
The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck!
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