MHSA urges immediate action for Health Science Students to receive vaccination


Last night, MHSA posted a statement regarding the COVID-19 vaccinations for the Faculty of Health Science Students.

MHSA has been contacting the Health Authorities and the Ministry for Health non-stop in order to ensure that Health Sciences Students receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

Students within the Faculty have been working tirelessly as trainees in hospitals and even assisting at the swabbing hubs. With such responsibility, it brings a lot of scarifies and it is not the first time that students had to quarantine and distance themselves for the sake of their loved ones. It is also not the first time that some have been exposed to the virus and contracted it. Aside from working and assisting, students have not stopped attending placements ever since restrictions were being lifted in June.

MHSA stated that even though every course manages its placement differently, one thing in common is that all students come in contact with patients therefore making them as vulnerable as the frontliners in this pandemic.

All through the pandemic, students were on the wards attending to patients as they learn. Their clinical practice on the wars can stretch to 12 hourly duties. There are lecturers too who are with the students on the wards teaching them clinical practice and examining their practice. These are continuously in contact with patients, their partner, and staff. Only logical to treat as frontliners.

Dr Josephine Attard

Health science students came forward, thanking MHSA for addressing this issue that has been going around for months.


The Third Eye got in touch with Nicholas Aquilina, MHSA President, to share his thoughts on the situation:

From the beginning of the pandemic students of the Faculty of Health Sciences have worked tirelessly to continue their studies especially during placements having direct contact with patients continuously having the same exposure as a front-line worker. MHSA has worked tirelessly and is of the opinion that we should be treated as such and we urge the government to take action, be more transparent, and consider the students in the high-risk areas for vaccination.

Aquilina added that this situation has put a lot of pressure on the students:

Students have concerns. Many are worried about family members as they live with vulnerable people. Students’ studies are also of concern as final placements and clinical exams are soon upcoming and would like assurance that they will be conducted safely.

MHSA are urging the Ministry of Health to take action as soon as possible.

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