MHSA and Betapsi’s Healthy Eye

MHSA (Malta Health Students’ Association) is the main organisation representing the Faculty of Health Sciences Students.

Apart from taking up cases where the students request our help, we also value the wholesome definition of health. We promptly took the opportunity to participate in The Third Eye’s Healthy Eye, since it will help us reach more people in order to provide a better understanding of health to the student populations.

We’ll be doing this by posting articles which will range from physical health, mental health and even current issues being discussed regarding our health system. Be sure to check this space every two weeks for new articles which will help you expand your knowledge on these topics.


As Betapsi we are both an ear and a voice for Psychology students at the University of Malta. We are here to enhance their university experience and voice their opinions.

The other part of our mission is to promote mental health awareness, which is why we jumped at the opportunity to be included in The Third Eye’s health section in their website.

In this way we can promote positive mental health and raise awareness regarding mental health issues to hopefully make a difference and create a healthier today and tomorrow.


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