Martina Darmanin Takes on the Role of MHSA ’Acting President’

A reliable source with close ties to the Malta Health Students’ Association (MHSA) has informed The Third Eye that Martina Darmanin has been appointed as the MHSA ’Acting President’.

This appointment comes about following the separate terminations of Ms Gabriella Sutton as Secretary General of the organisation on Friday 10th March, and that of Mr Christoph Schwaiger as President on the 11th of March.

Both dismissals were made public by means of two Press Releases published on MHSA’s official Facebook page on the aforementioned dates. Both Sutton and Schwaiger also released independent explanatory statements on their own personal Facebook pages in response to the dismissals.

At this stage, the full details behind this sequence of events remain unknown. Furthermore, it remains unclear as to whether Ms Gabriella Sutton will resume her role as MHSA Secretary General or whether her position will remain temporary vacant and eventually replaced either by another MHSA member by virtue of an electoral process or by an independent candidate.

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