Għaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija’s new executive team
Following the holding of Ghaqda Studenti tat-Teoloġija‘s AGM, the organisation has seen the following new executive committee members being elected for the 2023/24 term:
- President – Luke Vella
- Vice-President: Adam Baldacchino
- Secretary: James Gafa’
- Treasurer: Daniel Abela
- Ex-officio member: Matthew Sammut
- Ex-officio member: Karl Andrew Schembri
Presidential Comment

“It is with utmost humility that I once again assume the role of President of the Theology Students’ Association, a student organisation devoted to the exploration of the profound mysteries inherent in theology. As I embark on this journey, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to collaborate alongside my fellow students, theologians, and esteemed experts in the field. Our shared goal remains the cultivation of a profound sense of social responsibility among theology students and young scholars. Together, through genuine partnerships, thoughtful dialogue, and a steadfast commitment to the transformative power of theology, we aim to address the pressing issues of our time. With unwavering dedication, we shall humbly navigate the enigmatic depths of theology, striving to illuminate a path towards a more compassionate and enlightened society.”
Luke Vella
The Third Eye wishes the new executive the best of luck!