As it seems that we are living in a civilization that is always expanding and evolving, I am still in utter shock when I witness certain actions in my personal daily life. Is it possible that we live in a society that preaches for the public to respect one another and to always keep a broad mentality yet maltreatment occurs so commonly?
How can someone be even labeled non-judgmental when they treat struggling human beings just like themselves with a mediocre laugh rather than lending a helping hand? Why is it so hard for us to help someone in need rather than make a joke with our friends to have a laugh and seem cool or even submit to peer pressure?
By the use of the word struggling I am referring to humans who in their life have issues whatever they may be, whether it is mentally or physically. Even just by being nervous or insecure, which for some may be something very common but for others it may effect their know how of life.
Our brain must function in a manner that we act supportive and obliged even when we do not feel like it. Have you ever wondered whether others feel like it all the time? I assure you they do since for them it may be permanent or seem permanent for life.
Ask this question to yourself…would you want your child to be treated with this mentality? If you ever had anyone mistreat someone very close to you, wouldn’t you want people to help them rather than make them feel miserable and making them stay behind closed doors feeling invisible?
As a society, we find it easier to accomplish a good deed only when one is gaining something in return rather than just executing it for the sake of treating someone like a proper deserving human being
Is it possible that life has become so hectic that we have lost such a vital value? The routine system in our daily life has caused such a loss.
All of this is just generally speaking without accusing no one, because there are so many kind human beings who dedicate as much as they can to aid others who do not have the luxury maybe to walk, speak, move and so much more!
If I had an issue with interaction, all I would need is a little push from someone of the same age as mine to help me create a conversation. It’s these small gestures that will create a much more morally healthy environment.
Everyone has their own priorities and issues that take much of their time but if a mentality where one puts others before him is adapted in your own life, think of how much more it would be for someone in difficulty.