Linji — Serata Mużiko-Letterarja

Nhar it-Tnejn, 26 t’Ottubru, il-Malta Society of Arts, Poeżijaplus, u l-Għaqda tal-Malti – Università se jippreżentaw ’Linji’, lejla ta’ qari ta’ xogħlijiet kreattivi miktuba minn kittieba żgħażagħ. L-attività, li tibda fis-19:30, se ssir f’Palazzo De La Salle, il-Belt u ddum madwar siegħa.

Fost l-oħrajn, se jaqraw żgħażagħ li ħadu sehem fi proÄ¡etti tal-Għaqda, bħal Francesco Grech, Andrè Mangion, Beverly Agius, Matthew Schembri u Clifford Jo Å»ahra. Minbarra l-qari, se jiÄ¡u ppreżentati siltiet mużikali minn Vince Fabri, Dorothy Bezzina u Edward Mifsud.

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On Monday, 26th October, the Malta Society of Arts, Poeżijaplus, and the Għaqda talMalti – Università will be presenting ‘Linji’, an evening featuring readings of creative works written by young aspiring writers. The event, starting at 19:30, will be held at Palazzo De La Salle, Valletta and will last about an hour.

Participant readers include those whose works have been published through projects organised by the Għaqda tal-Malti, such as Francesco Grech, Andre Mangion, Beverly Agius, Matthew Schembri and Clifford Jo Zahra. The programme will also feature music numbers by Vince Fabri, Dorothy Bezzina and Edward Mifsud.

Entry is free and everyone is welcome. Those wishing to attend are requested to confirm their attendance on:

For more information please visit the event page on Facebook:

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