Life In Plastic, Is It Fantastic?

Did puberty leave you with small boobs? Are squats not enough to enhance your behind? Do you want sculpted abs in an instant because sit ups are just too main stream and there is no chance in hell you’re going on a diet? If this is you than fear not; plastic has got it covered.

 Before I continue with this article I want to make it very clear that this is by no means aimed at those who have gone through mastectomy and have had their breasts replaced. You have survived cancer; you deserve it! Go on ladies, it’s your time to celebrate.

However putting aside such cases, I do believe that today many are turning to plastic surgery in an attempt to reach the epitome of perfection. But really, what’s perfect? To me nothing is perfect or else perfect is all the small imperfections. Yes, in my opinion imperfect does make you perfect, because it makes you a human being. Perfection is an illusion. Yet, sadly, we all yearn for that illusion.

It is a totally different story to on the one hand having that one plastic surgery which you have always wished for and which will give you a boost of confidence and on the other hand that plastic surgery which turns you into an unrecognisable creature.  To put it simply there is what we refer to as a human body enhanced through plastic surgery and a plastic body with some human flesh and a beating heart.

Take for instance Toby Sheldon who spent $100,000 in surgery to look like Justin Bieber. Yes, Justin Bieber. And what is worse is that at the end of it I don’t see him as resembling the Biebs, I’ve also tried putting on my glasses, but nope, nothing changed. Then there is Justin Jedlica a.k.a The Human Ken – he has a fake face, fake abdominals, fake biceps, fake everything.  He has gone through 149 surgeries which cost him about $170,000…my gym membership cost me €70 over 6 months! But it seems he did not want to squat – no squats no ass! Oh wait no, let’s enhance it through silicone.

This constant yearn for perfection is partly coming from the media as well. The media has implanted in our heads this image of how we should look. It has got girls looking in the mirror cursing their selves because the girl next door has bigger boobs. Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a world where a mother was saving up for her daughter’s future breast enhancement when her daughter was just a toddler. Yes, apparently breast enhancements are now more important than saving up for your child’s future education. College and a degree come second to having nice boobs.

Life enhanced a little bit through plastic surgeries and procedures is one thing, but to transform your body in something unrecognizable is another. To me, that’s why "life in plastic’ isn’t so fantastic. We live in a society which makes you feel as if you’re never good enough and that’s really sad. We are constantly weighing ourselves, looking in the mirror, seeing what we can do to look better. We should all start to love ourselves no matter how we are made. Use that money to travel, it enriches your life much more.

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About Maria Manicaro 11 Articles
She loves all things that are simple and considers herself to be a sucker for the arts. She is fascinated by most types of art, especially all that which is contemporary and has a hint of the mystical and the mysterious. She thinks that her main aspirations in life are to be happy and healthy. She does long for an ambitious and successful career, but one which makes her feel happy to go to work every morning.