Let The New Chapter Begin!

It’s that time of the year again. Many are those that have compiled a list of things they could have changed or done better during the past year. For these people the New Year seems like a perfect time to change.  Maybe it’s because people see it as a new page in their new 365 page journal. The question is why should you wait for the New Year to try something new, to pursue new dreams?

The practice of making resolutions itself dates back to ancient Babylonians, who made promises to their gods for the New Year, often having to do with concrete, easily achievable tasks like vowing to return borrowed farm equipment.

We often hear the words "New Year, new me’, but just because it sounds pretty it doesn’t mean its right. Nonetheless, many are those that during the last week of the year start thinking of their New Year’s resolutions. Some decide they need to exercise more, quit smoking, refrain from holding grudges, or to start studying early for the yearly exams and not cram everything in the last week.

In reality the statistics speak for themselves. The Journal of Clinical Psychology study reports that 54 percent give up on their resolutions within six months – and only 8 percent ultimately succeed by the end of the year. This is primarily because it is unrealistic to change overnight and have drastic changes implemented in your everyday life. Despite all these resolutions, on January the 1st, you would be the same person you were on December 31st.

However, the good news is that the same study found that people who make resolutions are 10 times more likely to change their behaviour than those who don’t. So, don’t sit back admiring people who made it. Get inspired from these people instead!

Of course, some may think that the New Year’s resolutions are about hope and a willingness to become better.  Well, here’s an idea. Instead of coming up with a never-ending list about things you want to change in the upcoming year why don’t you decide to implement small, realistic changes in your life? Small changes which, although they could still fail, wouldn’t make you feel so depressed when you realize that failure is bound to happen in any case.  Don’t beat yourself up, face your fears and just keep trying.

Keep it simple and get the most out of 2015!

So sit back and enjoy the ride, for 2015, may be yet another rollercoaster.

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About Daniela Mifsud 8 Articles
She is an avid traveller, sports enthusiast, football fanatic and a dog lover. Her main interests involve health, fitness and sports. Her life philosophy is: "success is becoming who you really are".