SDM (Studenti Demokristjani Maltin) launched their twelve candidates for KSU elections.
Meet the 12 candidates:
- President: Alex Gaglione
- Vice President for Internal Affairs: Elisa Micallef
- Vice President for External Affairs: Beppe Lauri
- Secretary General: Claire DeBattista
- Financial Officer: Zane Camilleri
- Public Relations Officer: Gabriel Bonavia
- Students Affairs Officer: Julia Debono
- Social Policy Officer: Jeremy Mifsud
- International Officer: Cristina Sollami
- KSU Education Officer: Angele Gauci
- Culture and Entertainment Co-Ordinator: Matthea Borg
- Culture and Entertainment Co-Ordinator: Raquel Sammut
Onorata li ngħatajt l-opportunità li flimkien mat-team fantastiku, nikkontesta għal President tal-KSU.
Alex Gaglione, Candidate for KSU President

The slogan ‘L-Ghajta Tieghek’ was chosen to portray how SDM will be the voice of the students, how they will take the students’ ideas into consideration, and how it will continue to represent the student population.
See the full launch video here.
The Third Eye wishes all the candidates the best of luck!
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