Kurt Abela Resigns from role of Betapsi’s Leisure Officer

Betapsi have announced via a  post on their Facebook Page, that Kurt Abela has put forward his resignation letter on the table.  

Kurt Abela has been occupying the role of Leisure Officer and according to the resignation letter issued, the resignation happened  after “disagreement arose as plans were underway for our final leisure event, which initially was a viable event without financial risk which would put the association in jeopardy.”

The letter claims that Kurt Abela went over budget in preparation for a leisure event and “after Betapsi’s Finance Officer, Miriana Ferrito’s, proposal of various feasible alternatives which offered an event of equal quality and standard, the Leisure Officer, Kurt Abela, did not feel it as fair to back up something which was not up to his personal standards.”

The resignation note stated that “a common ground was unable to be found and a resignation addressed to Betapsi’s President, Valeriya Bonkova, followed.  Following the resignation, the remaining Betapsi Executive was criticised as unable to take into account and respect the ideas of the Leisure Office.”  

“Despite this, the wellbeing of the association’s Executive Members is a major priority for us, which is reflected in our exploration of alternatives ensuring that the leisure event becomes a reality nonetheless, whilst maintaining a financially stable and achievable budget. In this regard, we do not feel we should be blamed for prioritising both of these crucial aspects.”

In their post, Betapsi thanked Kurt Abela for his work during the time he occupied the role of Leisure Officer. Lastly, the note emphasised  that even if this member of the Executive Board failed to complete his term, the rest of the Board 2016/2017 shall continue with its hard work in the hopes of reaching aims that are beneficial for  both psychology and University students in general and to continue striving to  ensure  the stability of the association for the years to come.

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